Lighting improvements seen in DeKalb


For the residents of DeKalb things may seem a little brighter on Depot Hill Street and on Hwy. 16.

According to Mayor Clark Adams, in 2018, the Depot Hill area received a much needed lighting upgrade, and in Decem­ber of last year the Hwy. 16 proj­ect began on the east side of town, going west. Adams stated that that project is about 85 per­cent complete and the town is awaiting an easement from MDOT to complete the work.

The Hwy. 16 project has pro­gressed so quickly because light poles were already in place, and new lights had to be installed. The requested easement is for an area where new poles will have to be placed.

The Town budgeted the funds for these projects, and the work has been performed with the aid of EMEPA. Adams stated that in the future he would like to see the lighting improved along all of the streets, including small side streets.

Adams has other improvement projects in mind, as well, includ­ing a storm shelter. In recent years it seems that Mississippi has become a hot spot for torna­does, and Kemper County has seen its share. A final site for a shelter has not yet been deter­mined, but is a worthwhile goal to look toward.

Another problem that many small towns have to deal with is derelict buildings and houses that are overgrown with grass and weeds, which are not only an eyesore, but present a safety problem, as well, and DeKalb is facing this situation.

Adams said that this is a prob­lem that they have to stay on top of, or else the owners of these properties do not take it seri­ously, and it is a problem that must be addressed.

Adams added that the commu­nity has to work together to ad­dress these needs, and for progress to take place.

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