About The Kemper County Messenger

The Kemper County Messenger absorbed The Kemper Herald (1875), The Southern Star (1897), The Kemper Herald-Star (1908) and The DeKalb Sentinel (1926) to become The Kemper County Messenger (1934) and is published every Thursday in DeKalb, Mississippi.

The Kemper County Messenger

102 Main AVE
DeKalb, MS 39328

P (601) 743-5760

Meet the Staff

James E. Prince III

Editor & Publisher


439 E. Beacon ST

P.O. Box 30
Philadelphia, MS 39350

P 601-656-4000

F 601-656-6379

Joy Stewart

Advertising Director


439 E. Beacon ST

P.O. Box 30
Philadelphia, MS 39350

P 601-676-0999 (Direct)

C 601-500-0746

Samantha Reed

Classifieds, legals, accounts receivables, payables


439 E. Beacon ST

P.O. Box 30
Philadelphia, MS 39350

P 601-676-0996 (Direct)

F 601-656-6379

Steve Swogetinsky

Managing Editor


439 E. Beacon ST

P.O. Box 30
Philadelphia, MS 39350

P 601-676-0993 (Direct)

F 601-656-6379

Thomas A. Corlett

CFO & VP Business Development


439 E. Beacon ST

P.O. Box 30
Philadelphia, MS 39350

P 601-676-0995 (Direct)

F 601-656-6379

Darryl Sainsbury

Circulation Director/IT


439 E. Beacon ST

P.O. Box 30
Philadelphia, MS 39350

P 601-656-4000

F 601-656-6379

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