
Students visited by air medical helicopter

Flight Nurse Casey Langford gives KCHS students the rundown on her responsibilities inside the helicopter.
The students of Sherry Clemons-Hopson’s Health Sciences second year class and the Law and Public Safety students stood in awe on Sept. 2 as they watched the PHI Air Medical Group helicopter land in the field behind the Career Technical Center. 

EMCC Lions rebound with hard-fought win

Ninth-ranked East Mississippi Community College rebounded from last week’s rare home loss to claim a hard-fought 24-16 home victory over Coahoma during Thursday night’s MACCC North Division football action played at Sullivan-Windham Field. 

KA patrons meeting set for Oct. 11

The annual meeting of the Kemper Academy patrons is set for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 11 in the assembly room at the school. All patrons are encouraged to attend. 
East Mississippi Community College will honor its 2022 Sports Hall of Fame during tonight’s (Thursday) MACC North Division contest with Northwest Mississippi Community College.
Scooba Mayor Craig Nave. was proud to show off the work that has been done on several streets in his community. 
VETERANS OFFICE CLOSURE  The Kemper County Veterans Service Office is closed until further notice.
Here are a few items of interest from issues of The Kemper County Messenger from five, 10, 25, 50 and 80 years ago. 
A bid of just over $17.5M was awarded for the construction of the new Kemper County Elementary School during last Thursday afternoon’s meeting of the Kemper County Board of Education. 

EMCC art instructors have works chosen for exhibit

Ceramic bowls by Lisa Spinks, who teaches art on East Mississippi Community College’s Scooba campus, were selected for inclusion in the MS Clay Works 2022, a juried show that will take place in the Miller Art Gallery at Meridian Community College.

Works by two East Mississippi Community College art instructors have been selected for inclusion in separate juried art exhibits that will take place in Meridian. 


SCHOOL BOARD MEETING  The Kemper County School Board Regular Scheduled Meeting will be held on Thursday, Sep. 8 beginning at 3 p.m. at the John C. Stennis Vocational Complex in DeKalb. 

Looking Back: 80 Years Ago: Messenger begins 11th year

Here are a few items of interest from issues of The Kemper County Messenger from one, five, 10, 25, 50 and 80 years ago. 

KCEDA seeking to fill void left by Emilia exit

The Kemper County Economic Development Authority (KCEDA) is looking to bring new industry into the county following the July exit of one of the county’s top private employers, Emilia, LLC. 

County adds 3 trucks to fleet

During a recent Kemper County Board of Supervisors meeting, County Road Manager Glenn Williams’s request was approved to purchase a new fleet of pick-up trucks at nearly $39,000 each at state contract price.

KCHS students participate in holiday food drive

Kemper County High School career and technical education students recently collected various foods and canned goods for a Thanksgiving food drive, which provided seven local families in need with a full traditional meal during the holiday.

Old Scooba buildings being demolished

Left: Demolition has begun on several abandoned buildings in downtown DeKalb.

The old buildings standing guard at the eastern entrance to downtown Scooba have long been an eyesore and something that Mayor Craig Nave has worked hard to rectify. 

Remembering one who gave all

The sound of Taps wafted through the trees and across the field on the Collins family farm on Monday afternoon, as a crowd of 50-plus gathered to honor fallen veterans and to unveil a new me­morial monument just out­side the town of Scooba.

Republican Primary set For June 7

The Republican Primary for the Third Congressional District seat in the United States House of Represen­tatives will be held on June 7. There will be no Demo­cratic Primary.

Looking Back: 10 Years Ago: Harris named manager of Kemper Lake

Here are the a few items of interest from issues of The Kemper County Messenger from one, five, 10, 25, 50 and 80 years ago.

Darnell remembered as honest, helpful person
John Paul D a r n e l l , who died at his home on M o n d a y morning, March 10 following a two-and-half-year battle with cancer, was remembered by those who knew and worked with him as a man of his word who was always avail­able when a need arose.
Barry D. Wright
Funeral services for Barry D. Wright were held Saturday, October 16, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. from Coye Assembly of God in Preston with Rev. Ryan Farmer and Rev. Scott Wright officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery.
Audrey Denise Rash
Funeral services for Audrey Denise Rash, 54, were held at 11 a.m., October 1 at Mt. Pleasant #2 Cemetery. Dr. Curtis Johnson officiated.
Linda Ann Millsaps
Graveside services for Linda Ann Millsaps will be Friday, September 24, 2021, at 11 am, at Cumberland Cemetery in Cedar Bluff, MS. Brother Chris Gully will be officiating. Mrs. Millsaps, 70, died Tuesday, September 21, 2021, at her residence. Stephens Funeral Home - Dekalb is honored to be handling her arrangements. 
Elbert Lamar Harbour
 Graveside services held August 18, at Hazlehurst City Cemetery for Elbert Lamar Harbour, 83, who passed away on August 14 at his home.
Maureen Hill Holloway
Graveside services for Mrs. Maureen Hill Holloway were August 9, 2021, at Blackwater Baptist Church Cemetery in Daleville with Rev. Gary Rivers, Rev. Dennis Robertson, and Rev. Heath Riggs officiating. Robert Barham Family Funeral Home is honored to be entrusted with arrangements. 

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