Hope really Isn’t that Hard to find


While the last seven days have been more than just a little over­whelming for me person­ally, they have also caused me to have hope for the fu­ture of Kemper County.

Sure, there are plenty of nega­tive things around, if that’s what you want to dwell on.

But in the last week, my daily duties as owner, publisher, and editor fo the Kemper County Mes­senger have led me down several paths that have caused the good of the people who in live in our county to be brought to the forefront.

On Saturday night, along with my wife and grandson, I strolled down a street in downtown Scooba that was filled with people who were visibly caring for others. Folks from all walks of life were there opening their hearts and the trunks of their cars to children from varied back­grounds. The whole idea was to be a community that serves its commu­nity. And that’s exactly what happened.

It may have been put to­gether as a trunk or treat event, but by the team the activities had come to a close around 7 p.m. it had become much more than that. It had become a beacon of home.

The people I chatted with while we were walk­ing up and down the street were clearly ex­cited to be there and were enjoying what they were seeing. Seeing oth­ers without judging them as a unique way of making you a better person. It was a good thing.

Earlier in the day I stopped by Heritage Day in downtown DeKalb and got a chance to visit peo­ple, who despite being significantly older than the children would would be trick or treating later that night, were filled with excitement and hope.

They were looking at things of the past, but their focus was on what could be done in the fu­ture. Community mat­tered to them. And if it’s going to be strong, it has to matter to all of us.

Last week there were a pair of fall festivals, one at the Keyes-McRae Park in DeKalb and the other at Kemper Academy. They were both successful and brought happiness to those who attended.

On Monday at lunch I trekked out to the Farmer’s Market to take part in the Homemaker Volunteers luncheon. The food was great and the people were nice.

While there I began to read the information about how the Homemak­ers and the MSU Exten­sion service as a whole im­pacts this community in a positive way. It’s amazing to say the least.

And the list just goes on and on and on.

There are people out their seeking to spread hope. There are many who want Kemper County to be the best place on earth to live.

Those are the people you need to hang out with. Who knows, just like me, you may come away with hope in your heart.

Be Blessed!

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