Cross-country provides new opportunities for KCHS athletes


While Kemper County has had much success on the track in recent years, Wildcat runners will now get a chance to showcase their speed and endurance on a much longer and much less smooth course. Cross-Country has made its way to Kemper County High School and Head Soccer Coach Betty Casey will be in charge of the runners. “We are so thankful that the administration has brought this sport to our community,” Casey said. “t is going to highlight some new athletes that Kemper County has never seen before.” 

Casey spoke a lot about opportunity, and opportunity for the students means a lot to her. “I'm excited to put them in a situation that allows them to individually push themselves,” Casey says as Cross Country is a lot more of an individual sport than it may seem. While it is scored as a team sport, runners are a lot more in the open by themselves, opposed to track. 

The boys team and girls team will be separate, as enough Wildcats were interested to make that happen. Casey has high hopes for Destiny Boyd, who is a track State Champion. “I really expect her to show her leadership and her competitiveness throughout the races,” Casey says. Casey also has high hopes for Anthony Reed, a young runner who she expects to be a leader on the boys team. “He is young, but he has shown a lot of dedication and heart,” Casey says. 

Casey also is excited to see Javon Gibbs take off as Casey says Gibbs is not an athlete like the rest. Gibbs will be running, not only to represent his school but to prepare himself with his endurance and speed before he plans to attend the United States Military Academy, in West Point, New York. Casey is overall excited for all the runners and is looking forward to a big year. 

The Wildcats first meet will be on Oct. 1, at Northeast Lauderdale. 

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