GETTING THE MESSAGE/Matthew 15:21-28


This week we look at the subject of faith, and in this story a Canaanite woman is used as an example of faith for us. The Lord Jesus at the end of the story commends her for having "great faith," thus directing us to emulate her faith.

The first thing we notice is that the object of her faith is the Lord Jesus. She comes crying out after him. Her daughter is terribly afflicted by demons. She has heard of Jesus. The area she lived in was outside of Israel, but not far from the region of Galilee. Jesus had been teaching in that area for a long time and had done many miracles.

These things were widely known. The region she lived in, Tyre and Sidon, were great trading centers. Masses of people were coming in and going out, with news of different countries and regions. She would have been well aware of the Jewish hope of a Messiah, that a descendent of the great king David would come and reign over his people.

She addresses Jesus as the "Lord" and "Son of David." In the previous section of Matthew 15, the Jewish leaders had been condemned by Jesus for an outward form of godliness, which covered over their inward sinful hearts. They rejected Jesus as the Lord, and yet here we see a Canaanite woman who is sure Jesus is the promised Messiah, and she is sure he can help her.

The Lord Jesus alone can help you in what you need. There is no other who can heal the soul. Sin and death reign apart from him. He was foretold in the law and prophets and sent from God to save sinners who, apart from him, will perish in their sins. You can do without a lot in this world and still live; you cannot do without Christ. This woman went to Christ to do what no other could do.

Even though she cries out to Jesus, he answers not a word. This does not deter her; she cries out so much the disciples beg Jesus to send her away. He finally says, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." She responds by humbly bowing down and saying, "Lord, help me."

One of the great signs of true faith is poverty of spirit. The Pharisees were so full of their own standing and righteousness; they wouldn't consider the Lord's words or the miracles he did. It is the same with any person who rejects Christ. They are full and have no need of the Lord.

This woman does not argue she deserves help; she doesn't cry out for fairness or justice. She asks for mercy, for help, because she is helpless. And she knows Jesus is the Lord. She is poor in spirit, and blessed are the poor in spirit. They can sing, "Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to thy cross I cling; naked come to thee for dress, helpless, look to thee for grace."

Even though she has humbled herself this way, Jesus continues to test her faith. He says, "It is not right to take the children's bread and give it to dogs." Surely now, we think, this will end her petition, and she will get up and go away. Jesus refers to her as a "dog." She would have been aware that the Jews considered Gentiles as dogs, unclean people.

Nevertheless, she still will not be deterred. She says, "Yes Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." David in Psalm 84 says, "I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked." This woman has the same heart. She has taken the Lord Jesus as her one thing necessary. She doesn't mind a low position as long as she has him. She has chosen the better portion, and it will not be taken from her.

The Lord commends her faith, "O woman, great is your faith." She believed that even a crumb form the Lord would suffice. But the Lord doesn't just give a crumb to those who come to him. He gives all; he gives himself.

We can learn from this woman. This story was preserved, so that we would. She saw the greatness of the Lord Jesus and believed in him. When you see him for who he is, nothing can deter you from him. His people know that apart from him, there is no salvation, no blessedness. Whatever you do, make sure of Christ and cling to him.

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