Prophetic voices preach the true Christ of Christmas


The hustle and bustle of the holidays has begun! Thanksgiving and Black Friday have come and gone, and the next four weeks will be filled with Christmas shopping, fam- ily gatherings and, of course, food. One trip to Walmart is enough to cause anyone to become an on-line Christmas shopper. 

Christmas: the event that has forever changed the world and brought hope to a lost and hurting humanity! Although Jesus’ birth took place over two-thousand years 

ago, it still intrigues and inspires those who read about it. 

First, consider with me the presence of the prophetic that sur- rounded His birth. Isaiah prophesied: 

“Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” 

Luke 1:67-69 records the fact that Zacharias, filled with the Spirit, prophesied of the min- istry of Jesus. And, it was the prophetess, Anna that testified of Jesus being sent as the Redeemer 

(Luke 2:36-38).
The ministry and message of Jesus was marked by the prophetic. He prophesied of His be- trayal, His being denied by Peter, His death and resurrection. He prophe- sied of His return and the 

events that would pre- cede His return. The New Testament church had a prophetic voice as noted in I Corinthians. Many people will cross the threshold of our churches during the Christmas sea- son. Currently, we find 

ourselves surrounded by voices and opinions of every description. Politi- cal voices, voices of the news media, racial voices, and the voices on social media. How this world needs the prophetic voice of God’s Church! Choirs 

can sing, pageants and programs can be pre- sented... but may there be a prophetic voice that preaches the Christ of Christmas to those in search of the Savior. 

Secondly, notice the worship that accentuated His birth: 

— In Luke 1:46, Mary magnified the Lord, “My soul doth magnify the Lord.” 

— In Luke 2:13, heaven’s angels gave praise, “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God...”
— Speaking of the Wise 

Men, Matthew 1:11 says, “And when they had come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary His mother and fell down and worshipped Him.” 

Each of those men- tioned above, wor- shipped Jesus even though they did not know Him as we know Him. He was called Immanuel—we know Him as “God with us”! We know Him as the crucified Christ, Risen Re- deemer, and Soon Com- 

ing King! We have been convicted by His Spirit, moved by His Mercy, cleansed by His Blood, strengthened by His 

Word, and empowered by His Spirit! Let the Church rise in worship and praise! He inhabits the praises of His people. 

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