Kemper NWTF to Hold Annual Banquet


This Saturday morning Kemper Countians and be­yond have an opportunity to continue to memorialize Ruby Rankin. The Third an­nual Ruby D Rankin 5K Color Run/walk will be held at Kemper Lake beginning at 8 a.m..

This fundraiser has pro­vided scholarship money to deserving high school sen­iors from Kemper County since the 2018-2019 school year. The 2019-2020 school year was the only year this run/walk did not take place—due to Covid. Do­nations were taken and en­couraged through the sher­iff’s department to cover the expenses for that school year.

This event is the major producer of the needed funds for the three $500 scholarships that are given in honor of Rankin. The run/walk event will include a 5K Color run, a two-mile walk/run and a fun run of one mile for youngsters (and the young at heart). Color powder is optional for those adult participants that would rather not be “powdered”. Children will love the colored powder as they participate in the fun run, though.

The cost of the run is $35 for adults and $25 for chil­dren on the day of the event. Before that entry forms are available at the Kemper County Sheriff’s department and the cost through Friday will be $30 for adults and $20 for chil­dren. The deadline to be guaranteed a t-shirt has passed.

Participants who would like to register online can do so, this is mainly for people who would like to register in outlying areas and cannot get the regis­tration forms at the sheriff department. All the money donated on—line does not come to the fund since there is an expense for the on-line process. The web­site is: (search Rubye Rankin in up­coming events). Donations are certainly welcomed, even if you do not want to walk or run.

What a fun way to help high school seniors and to honor the memory of Rubye Rankin who gave so much to Kemper County.

Rankin died in November of 2017. Aimee Cole has been instrumental in put­ting this event together since that time along with the Kemper County Sher­iff’s department and the process for the three schol­arships. High School sen­iors can apply for this scholarship and write two different essays as part of the process. Any student who graduates in Kemper County are welcome to apply whether they are homeschooled or attend a private school or public school.

For more information about this fundraising event and the scholarship application process can contact Aimee Cole at 601-616-3123 or acole@kem­

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